How to make a Woman experience Intense orgasm

     How to make a Woman experience Intense orgasm

 People usually know about orgasms that come from private areas like the clitoris, G-spot, or anus. But did you know there are other kinds too? Like the core-gasm, which happens when you exercise your core muscles. Some people experience nipple-gasms from stimulating their nipples, or ear-gasms from playing with their ears. And believe it or not, some folks can even have orgasms just by thinking naughty thoughts, without any touching involved!

Stimulate more than one Pleasure points

                              To make your pleasure even better, you can try stimulating more than one pleasure spot at the same time. A common way is by having a 'blended orgasm,' where you touch the clitoris on the outside and the vagina on the inside with fingers, a penis, or a sex toy.

But don't stop there! Once you feel more comfortable exploring intimacy, try mixing things up. Combine different feelings by playing with other sensitive areas like spanking, nipple touching, or using butt plugs. The more you experiment, the more likely you are to have an amazing blended orgasm that blows your mind! 


If you want a really powerful orgasm, it's not just about getting the job done quickly. You need to build up a lot of sexual energy and tension, and a way to do that is through a practice called "edging." Both guys and girls can benefit from this.

Here's the simple idea: Imagine your arousal on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being not turned on at all and 10 being the moment of climax. Start stimulating yourself in your usual way until you get to about an 8 or 9. But here's the trick – stop right before you reach the peak. Let your arousal cool down to about a 3 or 4, then start building it back up to 8 or 9 again. Repeat this process.

You can mix it up by changing your moves. For instance, if you're circling around your clitoris, when you hit that 8 or 9, switch to a slower stroke or try a different technique like flicking or moving side to side. This change in intensity helps bring your arousal level down a bit (let's say to a 6 or 7), and then you can start building it up again.

The hardest part is having the willpower to stop before you climax. To make it more fun, involve a partner. Have them join in and turn it into a sexy game with a power dynamic. Your partner can edge you several times and only let you climax as a reward. It adds a bit of excitement, like saying, "I'll only let you come if you really beg me."

Kegel Exercises

If you want stronger orgasms, it helps to have strong pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support your bowel and bladder, and they play a role in both controlling pee and enhancing sexual function. To make them stronger, you can do something called Kegel exercises. These involve squeezing and then releasing those muscles.

Back in the 1940s, a Dr. Arnold Kegel found that women who did these exercises not only had better control over their bladders but also reported having more frequent and intense orgasms. So, having strong pelvic floor muscles can lead to more pleasure.

Here's a trick: When you're getting close to climax, try squeezing and relaxing those pelvic floor muscles in a rhythmic way. It can make the sensations more intense. And when you're right in the middle of an orgasm, push down hard with those muscles to make each contraction even more powerful, giving you more pleasure.

Control the Breathing

Breathing is a big deal when it comes to having a more enjoyable orgasm. In yoga and other wellness activities, we learn that our breath carries energy, and being mindful of it can reduce anxiety, increase satisfaction, and make our connection with a partner stronger.

When people are about to have an orgasm, they often start holding their breath or breathing very shallowly. This is okay to a point because some muscle tension helps with orgasms. But if you hold your breath too much, it can limit the flow of energy.

Imagine having an orgasm during a yoga class. Instead of holding your breath, breathe deeply and steadily. Try to slow down your breathing by inhaling for three counts and exhaling for three counts. Make sure each breath starts deep in your belly and is let out completely.

Some folks may find that their orgasms get better with short, quick, and strong breaths, almost like panting. The key is to figure out what works best for you. As you're breathing, pay close attention to the sensations in your body. This awareness can make your orgasm more intense and enjoyable.

Pleasure Gap

So, a lot of women can bring themselves to orgasm pretty quickly, but when it comes to sex with a partner, many heterosexual women have fewer orgasms than men. This difference is called the Pleasure Gap, and it happens because of cultural ideas about sex, mainly the focus on penetration.

To bridge this gap, it's important to communicate openly with your partner about what you enjoy. Having a powerful orgasm with someone else requires trust and being open about your desires.

Remember, your orgasm is about you. Don't stress too much about what your partner thinks. Give yourself permission to do what makes you feel good in bed. It's okay to prioritize your pleasure.


Having good sex and orgasms is something you can learn, like any skill. If you're a woman struggling to reliably have orgasms or just want to explore new ways to have them, it's not about waiting for it to happen on its own. It's more like actively taking the time to practice and experiment to discover what works best for your body.

Here's the thing: there's no one right way to experience an orgasm. They can be big, small, explosive, hesitant, involve your whole body, or be a quickie. There's no ranking or hierarchy to pleasure, meaning one type of orgasm isn't better than another. They're all fantastic, they all feel amazing, and we should appreciate and enjoy them for the unique experiences they are.

How to make a Woman experience Intense orgasm How to make a Woman experience Intense orgasm Reviewed by admin on December 25, 2023 Rating: 5

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