Want to control blood sugar level then follow these simple bedtime routine

 Control Diabetes with these simple bedtime routine

 It is important for diabetes patients to take care of their diet also it is equally important for them to take care of their lifestyle and daily routine as well. To control the blood sugar level, it is important to set a routine of your own. We are going to tell you about some bedtime routines that you must follow to reduce your blood sugar level.

Control blood sugar level with these simple steps

Diabetes is a chronic disease. It cannot be cured completely but can be controlled by making lifestyle changes. Diabetes patients need to take special care of their lifestyle as well as their diet. For diabetes patients, it is important that you get enough sleep, take stress to a minimum and have a relaxed sleep at night. 

Sleep is most important for diabetic patients, which apart from diet and exercise, can help in controlling sugar levels. Lack of sleep has a very bad effect on insulin sensitivity. If you have diabetes and want to live a healthy life by keeping your blood sugar level under control, then it is important that you set a routine before going to bed at night. During this, by taking care of some things, you can reduce your blood sugar level.

Simple Bedtime routines to reduce Blood sugar level

Reduce caffeine intake:

It is important for diabetes patients that you should not consume caffeinated things like tea, coffee, chocolate and soda before sleeping at night. Caffeinated things keep you awake so that you won't be able to sleep. 

Along with this, it is important that you consume alcohol in minimum quantity if possible stop the intake of alcohol This also affects your sleep badly and led to rise in blood sugar level.

Physical Activity: 

Any kind of physical activity before sleeping can prove to be very beneficial for your body. Also, it reduces stress. Taking a walk before bed or after dinner can help keep your sugar levels stable throughout the night. However, try to do all these 30 mins before sleeping.

Getting enough sleep is essential:

 Experts say that to manage the blood sugar level, it is important that you get enough sleep. For diabetes patients, it is necessary that you complete 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily.

Say no to snacking at night:

                                         Diabetes patients have to face the problem of frequent hunger pangs, especially at night. In such a situation, people start consuming things like junk foods, chips, salty, sweet etc. By eating all these things at night, your weight starts increasing and the blood sugar level also increases.

Eat lightly-

 To get a good sleep at night, it is necessary that you eat light food before sleeping. Avoid eating heavy things at night. Along with this, try to eat dinner early.

 Eating late has a bad effect on your digestive system and the blood sugar level remains high. Do physical activities throughout the day and distance yourself from phone, laptop and TV an hour before sleeping at night.

Check blood sugar level:

                                      It is necessary for diabetes patients to check their blood sugar levels before sleeping at night and after waking up in the morning.

Plan the next day's meal:

                          It is important for diabetes patients that you plan their next day's meal a night in advance. With this, you will not have to think much the next morning and you will also be able to avoid the consumption of junk food.

Follow these simple bedtime routine to control your blood sugar levels

Want to control blood sugar level then follow these simple bedtime routine Want to control blood sugar level then follow these simple bedtime routine Reviewed by admin on January 22, 2023 Rating: 5

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