How to get rid of pimple and acne scars at home naturally

How to get rid of pimples and acne scars at home naturally

Both men and women are troubled by acne and pimples in the summer season. Acne and pimples leave scars on the face. Due to this, the face starts looking very bad. To solve the problem of this pimples and acne scars, some simple face packs can help a lot. Which you can easily prepare and apply at home. This will not only remove the blemishes on the skin but also eliminate newly emerging acne and pimples.


Natural face mask to remove pimples and acne scars

Aloe Vera and Lemon Juice

                             Aloe vera is very beneficial for skin and hair. Applying aloe vera gel brings radiance to the skin. If acne and pimples are coming out on the face. So make a paste by mixing one spoon of lemon juice in aloe vera gel. Apply this paste to the face and massage it with light hands. Then leave them for some time. Then wash the face with cold water. This simple face mask will help get rid of pimples and acne scars and helps to get glowing skin.

Almond milk and Egg white

                       If you are troubled by acne and pimples scars out on the face, then try this face pack. The white part of the egg has astringent properties. Which helps in controlling facial oil. To make a face pack, mix egg white in two spoons of almond milk. Then add lemon juice to it and make a paste. Leave this paste on the face for about 15 minutes. Then wash the face with lukewarm water. By applying this face pack about two to three times a week, the difference starts to be seen on the face, the pimples and acne scars will be completely gone and your skin won't have that too oily look. 

Apple cider vinegar

                           A face pack made of apple cider vinegar also helps in reducing acne and pimples scar on the face. To make a face pack, make a paste by mixing two spoons of apple cider vinegar, green tea, sugar and one spoon of honey. Apply this face pack to the face and let it dry. Then clean the face with cold water. Applying some of these simple home face packs on the face helps in controlling the problem of pimples and acne marks and help in getting rid of them completely

Hope this article. " How to get rid of pimple and acne scars at home naturally" was helpful, This article is for general information only. Expert opinion is necessary before the use of it.

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How to get rid of pimple and acne scars at home naturally How to get rid of pimple and acne scars at home naturally Reviewed by admin on June 09, 2022 Rating: 5

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